What do you hope for in your life with God?

Do you desire to love well in these tense and uncertain times?

Do you hear an invitation to explore deeper terrain with God and others?

What if God has planted seeds of his life right into the fabric of who you are, and is inviting you to nurture and watch them grow into an abundant harvest?

Here is an opportunity to identify and tend these seeds with God and others.

You will use your mind, your physical senses and your emotions to notice and respond to the nine facets of love described in Galatians 5:22:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

What to expect

This self-guided retreat series is based on the nine fruit of the Spirit described by Paul in Galatians 5. The primary intent of this experience is not mastery of content, but to slow down to notice the goodness, truth and beauty of God with you in the midst of daily life.

You can go through this on your own, though I would encourage you to find a group of people to sign up and go through together.

This would be a great opportunity for your house group, Bible study, or a group of friends who are seeking to know each other more fully.

Each section explores one "fruit" and contains:

  • Six written and spoken reflections on the topic
  • A brief daily "2 minute challenge" to help you build habits of paying attention to God
  • Visual art, a musical playlist, and further reading/listening recommendations to aid in your reflection
  • Physical practices to help you pray and bless your neighbour
  • A guide to help you reflect on what has stood out to you in each section


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What Others Have Experienced

If you are looking for a new spiritual rhythm to help keep you grounded and growing together in community in the midst of your chaos, transition, or questions, participating in the Living Seeds Project was truly a life-giving journey for myself as I paused to marvel at the many ways God was meeting me and others in our daily lives and enjoyed tasting his fruit together.

Joann Richardson, Indiana, USA

The pace of the project was good. It allowed and built upon a growing deeper connection with God. It was thought provoking but reassuring.

Edward Christie, Dunfermline, Scotland

I thoroughly enjoyed the Living Seeds Project. I loved how it incorporated music, art and extra reading resources to further enhance the experience. I liked that I could pace myself throughout. The weekly devotions were often 'spot on', and so helpful in turning my eyes to the Lord and what He might be saying to me at that time. I had a feeling of expectancy each time I opened the next one as I knew I would meet the Lord in a fresh way.

Terri Grady, Colorado, USA

About Jenny Walley:

I love to create space for people to encounter God in their daily experience of life.

For eighteen years I have had the privilege of offering guided retreats, discernment processes, one-to-one and group spiritual direction in order to help people notice and respond to the movement of God in and around them.

I received my masters in spiritual formation and soul care from Talbot School of Theology in Southern California, and now reside in the beautiful west of Scotland with my husband and three children.

I believe that if we can bring our questions to God and each other with openness and curiosity, we will find that he has much more to say to us than we might have originally imagined.