Two-Minute Challenge: Beauty and Reciprocity

2 Minute Challenge
Beauty Hunt

“Beauty is goodness made manifest to the senses”

- Dallas Willard

The goodness which God has planted into all of creation is not just purposeful, it is beautiful. This month I invite you to pay attention to this beauty all around you. Each day, take a few minutes to notice how living things seem to work together to protect and propagate their life. Look for beauty, specifically in nature, and when you see it stop to marvel at the intricate connection it has to the rest of creation. Experience this interconnectedness with all of your senses.

Look at the colours, contours, and shapes that nurture life, protect seedlings, and produce new fruit. See the colours that compliment one another, the companions that grow side by side to attract and repel insects that benefit or harm each plant.

Listen to the rustle of leaves, the birdsong, the sounds of nature nurturing and sustaining her harvest.

Smell the scent of the flowers, attracting bees and butterflies to pollinate and preserve each species.

Taste the sweet goodness of honey, fruit, and vegetables and appreciate this gift of seed that nourishes and sustains the life of all things.

Touch and feel the textures, the seeds hidden beneath the fern leaves, the grasses ripe to let go of their seeds to fly, the myriad ways that different plants create, send and germinate their seed.

As you allow your senses to be filled with wonder and beauty, allow yourself to be drawn into the interconnected web of relationships in which you were planted. Ask the Spirit to speak to you of the purposeful beauty which he has placed in you. How is he scattering, protecting and germinating new life within and around you?

Don’t then try to figure out how to go and do something with this. Just let it rise up in you, and be thankful. Let it calm and heal you.

Watch this video that Lanette Breedt made as she pondered this reciprocity of all living things.

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