2 When Kindness Became One of Us

But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.

Titus 3:4-5

Read Titus 3:3-7. 

I’m learning a lot about having conversations with children. There is a marked difference in conversation when you get down on a child's level and look them in the eye, as opposed to standing above them. Children need to see your eyes, to know that you are for them. They need to know that you will use your power to help them, not hurt them. They need to experience your kindness.

When God in his covenant kindness came to earth in the person of Jesus, he chose to lay aside his position of power to get down on our level. He chose to experience the limitations of a human body, so that we could enter into the life of God. 

He wanted us to see his eyes, to know that he is for us. He wanted us to experience his kindness.

A kindness that walked along our dusty roads, feeling our dirt between his toes, laughing, talking and getting to know his friends.

A kindness that celebrated marriages, grieved deaths, forgave unforgivable sins, and fully entered into every human emotion.

A kindness that dined with outcasts, healed untouchables, and challenged long held traditions of systemic injustice.

A kindness that gave his very life for the redemption of his lost beloved ones.


Take a few minutes today to let the kindness of Jesus sink in. 

Ask him to show you how he is kind to you, and then pay attention.

How is he walking with you? What does conversation look like along the road?

What is he celebrating and grieving  with you?

In what ways is he challenging injustice within and around you?

As you go through your day, look for his kindness toward you, and be thankful.

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